Tag: Vibrações

  • B157

    B156 B158 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 157] “’The “striving-to-reblend-into-a-whole” of two active parts of the Omnipresent-Okidanokh, which is proceeding at the present moment there, in this vacuum, has a force, as calculated by objective science, of 3,040,000 what are called “volts” and this force is indicated by the needle of that special appliance there.’…

  • B158

    B157 B159 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 158] “When we had recovered and Gornahoor Harharkh had pulled still another lever, which resulted in the whole surrounding space being restored to its former usual appearance, he first, with his customary angel-voice, again drew our attention to the ‘voltmeter,’ the needle of which constantly indicated the same…

  • B167

    B166 B168 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 167] “Having drawn my attention to these three socket-like Momonodooars, he said: “’Each of these externally similar apparatuses has a direct connection with those secondary containers which I pointed out to you while we were still outside, and in which after the artificial Djartklom, each of the active…

  • B574

    B573 B575 [BTG XXXII Hypnotism, p. 574] “Once during confession he tried by all possible means to evoke frankness in this nun, and he got to know among other things that this ‘nun-novice’ had had a ‘lover,’ who had once given her his portrait framed in a very beautiful frame, and that she permitted herself…

  • B581

    B580 B582 [BTG XXXIII Beelzebub as hypnotist, p. 581] “This being-Oskolnikoo or gratitude was manifested towards me not only by those I saved and by those nearest to them, but by almost everybody who had been in this or another way in contact with me or who had heard of me, but only with the…

  • B607

    B606 B608 [BTG XXXIV Russia, p. 607] “Besides this, one of these departments, why I don’t know, required that a certificate issued by another department should be stamped by a third. “In one department I had to sign a certain paper; in another to answer questions having nothing to do with chemistry; while in a…

  • B752

    Chapter XXXIX The Holy Planet “Purgatory” B751 <=> B753 [BTG XXXIX The holy planet “Purgatory,” p. 752] o primeiro, ‘Deus-o-Pai’; o segundo, ‘Deus-o-Filho’; e o terceiro, ‘Deus-o-Espírito-Santo’; e, em vários casos, expressaram o significado oculto deles e também seu desejo de obter deles um efeito benéfico para sua própria individualidade, por meio das seguintes orações:…

  • planetary

    atmosphere B181 B728 body; see planetary body coating B735 general-planetary-conference B402 existence B406 B729 B1064 formations; see formation surface B107 tremors B263-4 common-planetary-welfare B1068 planetary-gravity-center-vibrations B1217 interplanetary disharmonies B263 sur- and intraplanetary process B153

  • B169

    B168 B170 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 169] “’Furthermore, according to the law called “Heteratogetar,” the “Salnichizinooarnian-momentum-vibrations” or “rays” acquire the property of acting on the organs of perception of beings only after they have passed a limit defined by science in the following formula: “the-result-of-the-manifestation-is-proportionate-to-the-force-of-striving-received-from-the-shock.” “’And so, as the given process of the clash…

  • B171

    B170 B172 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 171] “’I wish to aid artificially the evolution and involution of its elements towards a grater density, or, on the contrary, towards their transformation back to a primal state. “’To make the picture of the further elucidatory experiments clearer to you, I find I must first inform you,…

  • B174

    B173 B175 [BTG XVIII The Arch-preposterous, p. 174] “But I will tell you meanwhile that there proceeded in that fragment of red copper something rather like those terrifying pictures which I occasionally observed among your favorites on the planet Earth through my Teskooano from Mars. “I said ‘rather-like’ because what occasionally proceeded among your favorites…

  • B186

    B185 B187 [BTG XIX Beelzebub’s second descent, p. 186] “This region of the existence of this third group was then called, as I have already told you ‘Pearl-land.’ “Later the name of this locality also changed many times and the whole of this terra firma region of the surface of the planet Earth now exists…

  • B1088

    B1087 B1089 [BTG XLIII Beelzebub’s opinion of war, p. 1088] “Such a question was evoked in me by the beings there who belong to the caste of the bureaucrats, yet nevertheless as regards them one might still explain this to you, at least ‘more or less.’ Although the series of experiencings in them is also…

  • B222

    B221 B223 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 222] “The result of it all was that there in the country of Maralpleicie, not only were Sacrificial-Offerings indeed diminished, but they even began to treat the beings of other forms with unprecedented attention. “Such comical farces very soon began there that though I myself was the…

  • B223

    B222 B224 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 223] “But the most peculiar of all was the custom of paying attention to the voices of beings of various forms. “As soon as they heard the voice of a being of any form, they immediately began to praise the names of their gods and to await…

  • B225

    B224 B226 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 225] “The beings of all other forms of that planet also manifest themselves by voice, but at a definite time. For instance, the cock cries at midnight, an ape in the morning when it is hungry, and so on, but donkeys there bray whenever it enters their…

  • B253

    B252 B254 [BTG XXII Beelzebub’s first time Tibet, p. 253] “The places through which our way went this time were then almost inaccessible to the three-brained beings of that period, chiefly on account of these wild beings. “In those days it was possible for the three-brained beings to pass through these places only, as they…

  • B1148

    B1147 B1149 [BTG XLV Extraction of Electricity, p. 1148] “This Martian Toof-Nef-Tef was, according to the notions of your favorites, already an extremely old being: he was by the time-calculation of the planet Mars about twelve thousand Martian years old, which is only a little less than the time-calculation of the Earth. “Here you must…

  • law

    I repeat, my boy: Try very hard to understand everything that will relate to both these fundamental cosmic sacred laws, since knowledge of these sacred laws, particularly knowledge relating to the particularities of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, will help you in the future to understand very easily and very well all the second-grade and third-grade laws…

  • B18

    B17 B19 If you indeed think so, then you are very, very mistaken. First of all, I am not young; I have already lived so much that I have been in my life, as it is said, “not only through the mill but through all the grindstones”; and secondly, I am in general not writing…