Tag: Vibrações

  • B28

    B27 B29 [BTG I The arousing of thought, p. 28] “Either do nothing – just go to school – or do something nobody else does.” Whereupon she immediately, without hesitation, and with a perceptible impulse of disdain for all around her, and with commendable self-cognizance, gave up her soul directly into the hands of His…

  • B33

    B32 B34 [BTG I The arousing of thought, p. 33] Well, then, on beholding the effect of my skill, I was, I must confess, extremely frightened, because, knowing nothing of any such reaction from a blow in that place, I quite thought I had killed him. At the moment I was experiencing this fear, another…

  • crystallized

    Data: thanks to three definite peculiar data which were crystallized in my entirety during various periods of my preparatory age, I am really unique-Gurdjieff B26 the steady deterioration of the degree of crystallization of data engendering the sane logical mentation which ought to be present in the common presences of your favorites B286 in the…

  • B486

    B485 B487 [BTG XXX Art, p. 486] “Concerning the said being-property I have just called Ikriltazkakra, I must add further that just this property alone gives beings the possibility of restraining themselves within the limits of all these impulses and promptings which are evoked at any given moment in their common presences by the associations…

  • B488

    B487 B489 [BTG XXX Art, p. 488] “And they changed their costume in order to manifest themselves more clearly and more strikingly in the fulfillment of the roles they assumed, so that the other learned members present of the club of the Adherents-of-Legominism who checked and selected the fragments of the future mysteries could more…

  • B489

    B488 B490 [BTG XXX Art, p. 489] “In accordance with the foresight of Great Nature these said Hlodistomaticules serve in the presences of beings as real factors for assisting the arising of the processes of association at those moments, when either the promptings arisen within are absent or the shocks coming from without do not…

  • organ

    the musical instrument B855 organs of perception B17 B39 B169 B468 ff B923 B972 the six being-Skernalits-ionniks, or sense organs B566 six organs called receivers-of-the-varied-qualitied-vibrations, which organs function in accordance with newly perceived impressions B1190 organs of hearing B17 B160 B270 B488 ff organ of smell B650 B957 organs of sight B157 B160 B168 ff…

  • existence

    the abnormal existence of these strange threebrained beings has not only spoiled their own psyche, but has by repercussion gradually also spoiled the psyche of almost all the other onebrained and two-brained terrestrial beings B876; and B442 B564 abnormally established conditions of existence B713 active existence B508 aim of existence; see aim archtragic-comic B1077 collective…

  • remorse

    I have gradually, with all my presence, become aware that certain beings in the past have labored and suffered for our welfare; because of this there proceeds in me a process-of-remorse- Hassein,from B76 ff sacred process Aieioiuoa or Remorse B141; see Aieioiuoa every action of man is good in the objective sense, if it is…

  • Mullah Nassr Eddin

    Mullah Nassr Eddin, or has he is also called, Hodja Nassr Eddin, is, it seems, little known in Europe and America, but he is very well known in all countries of the continent of Asia; this legendary personage corresponds to the American Uncle Sam or the German Till Eulenspiegel. Numerous tales popular in the East,…

  • seven

    the Law of Sevenfoldness exists on the Earth and will exist forever and in everything B461; and B462 ff B470 B478 ff B482 B493 B517; see Heptaparaparshinokh in accordance with this Law, there are in the white ray seven independent colors; in every sound there are seven independent tones; in every state of man, seven…

  • impulse

    Ashiata Shiemash began enlightening their Reason by means of objectively true information and guiding their being-impulses in such a way that they could sense these truths without the participation either of the abnormally crystallized factors already within their presences, or of the factors which might newly arise from the results of the external perceptions they…

  • B437

    B436 B438 [BTG XXIX Fruits of former civilizations, p. 437] “None of these unfortunates know and probably never will reflect that not only is nothing good obtained by them from this maleficent sport of theirs, but they, as I have already told you, solely owing to this sport alone, still further shorten the duration of…

  • B444

    B443 B445 [BTG XXIX Fruits of former civilizations, p. 444] “And concerning premature partial death through the Bobbin-kandelnost of the thinking center – the deaths of this kind among your favorites occur in recent times more and more frequently. “This kind of death through the thinking-center occurs there chiefly among those favorites of yours who…

  • atmosphere

    of the Holy Sun Absolute B798 of the holy planet Purgatory B746 of almost all cosmic concentrations B270 of planets B136 B139 B181 B288 B728 B763 B1050 of Mars B61; of Mars and Saturn B269 of the moon B63 B181 B183 B316 B838 which is necessary for every planet and which serves for the actualization…

  • B724

    B723 B725 [BTG XXXVIII Religion, p. 724] And when this future Saint arrived for the purpose mentioned at one large point, near which the armed crowd of foreign beings had camped for a needed rest, a stray bullet fired – intentionally or accidentally – in the street of this large point by one of these…

  • impressions

    concerning Kundabuffer: every repeated impression from outside should crystallize in them data which would engender factors for evoking in them sensations of pleasure and enjoyment B88 to perceive every new impression without being-Partkdolg-duty B103 my essence began to receive impressions directly B164 associations of three different kinds of impressions proceed in the three said localizations…

  • Gornahoor Rakhoorkh

    “The result of it all vas that the following day, escorted by one of that venerable Harahrahroohry’s court, I went to the place of existence of that Gornahoor Harharkh where I first saw those novel elucidatory experiments with the Omnipresent-Okidanokh. 942 BTG XVIII “When Gornahoor Harharkh was informed ho we were and why we had…

  • Russian

    Although I have begun to write in Russian, nevertheless, as the wisest of the wise, Mullah Nassr Eddin, would say, in that language you cannot go far. 38 BTG I The Russian language, it cannot be denied, is very good. I even like it, but … only for swapping anecdotes and for use in referring…

  • B461

    B460 B462 [BTG XXX Art, p. 461] “’I personally suggest that this be done through the Universal Law called the “Law of Sevenfoldness.” “’The Law of Sevenfoldness exists on the Earth and will exist forever and in everything. “’For instance, in accordance with this Law, there are in the white ray seven independent colors; in…