Tag: Vibrações

  • B466

    B465 B467 [BTG XXX Art, p. 466] “But they placed this said cupola on only three columns; and the reciprocal thrust, or, as it is also expressed, the ‘reciprocal resistance,’ ensuing from the law of Sevenfoldness for supporting the surplanetary weight, they took not from the columns alone, but also from other unusual combinations ensuing…

  • B467

    B466 B468 [BTG XXX Art, p. 467] “This law, which has utterly failed to reach the contemporary three-brained beings of that planet, was then quite familiar to the beings there, that is to say, they were already quite aware that the size and form of enclosed spaces and also the volume of air enclosed in…

  • B468

    B467 B469 [BTG XXX Art, p. 468] “Before continuing to speak about in which way those terrestrial learned beings then indicated various fragments of knowledge in their combinations of various colors, one fact concerning what I am just relating must be noticed – a fact definitely distressing for those favorites of yours and which was…

  • B469

    B468 B470 [BTG XXX Art, p. 469] “Formerly, at the periods mentioned, in all the three-brained beings arising on this planet, this organ was formed with the sensibility of perceiving the mentioned blendings of separate ‘gravity-center-vibrations-of-the-white-ray’ and of distinguishing one third of the quantity of the ‘tonalities-of-color’ of all the ‘tonalities’ obtained in the presences…

  • B470

    B469 B471 [BTG XXX Art, p. 470] “Although I intend to explain to you in detail in the future how and why in the presences of the ‘Insapalnian-cosmic-concentrations’ every kind of definite formation acquires the property, from evolving and involving processes, of producing various effects upon the mentioned organ of the beings, nevertheless I do…

  • B471

    B470 B472 [BTG XXX Art, p. 471] “And meanwhile concerning the given case you ought to know that when this said common-integral-vibration, that is, what the terrestrial three-brained beings call the ‘white ray,’ enters with its presence proper to it into the ‘spheres-of-the-possibilities’ for its transformation in the presence of an Insapalnian planet, then there…

  • actualization

    automatic B15 cosmic B84 B237 B293 B407 B765 B1183; common cosmic B623 B756 B959 conscious B487 Kerkoolnonarnian-actualization B144 the seven actualizations according to the Itoklanos principle of the duration of being-existence B437 ff concerning the river of life B1228 ff being-actualization B242 and B90 B139 B145 B147 B755 B825 B1120 B1126

  • transformation

    that transformation which should in general proceed in the entirety of a man and give him, from his own conscious mentation the results he ought to have, which are proper to man B25 man is a transforming machine, a kind of transmitting station of forces B1203 and so, the three-brained beings of the planet Earth…

  • organs

    the musical instrument B855 organs of perception B17 B39 B169 B468-70 B923 B972 the six being-Skernalits-ionniks, or sense organs B566 six organs called receivers-of-the-varied-qualitied-vibrations, which organs function in accordance with newly perceived impressions B1190 organs of hearing B17 B160 B270 B488-9 organ of smell B650 B957 organs of sight B157 B160 B168-9 B304-5 B472; organs…

  • B406

    B405 B407 [BTG XXVIII Destruction of Ashiata’s labors, p. 406] (1) Every kind of depravity, conscious as well as unconscious (2) The feeling of self-satisfaction from leading others astray (3) The irresistible inclination to destroy the existence of other breathing creatures (4) The urge to become free from the necessity of actualizing the being-efforts demanded…

  • Sun

    “Higher being-bodies, or as they are called on some planets of that solar system, souls, arise in the three-brained beings breeding on all the planets except those before reaching which the emanations of our ‘Most Holy Sun Absolute’, owing to repeated deflections, gradually lose the fullness of their strength and eventually cease entirely to contain…

  • Babylonian

    Having said this, Beelzebub again continued to relate about the Babylonian events. 1959 BTG XXIV “It was talked about and discussed by the young and old, by men and women, and even by the Babylonian butchers. Exceedingly anxious were they, particularly the learned, to know about this question. 1970 BTG XXIV “‘As I personally still…

  • B472

    B471 B473 [BTG XXX Art, p. 472] “Deteriorating century by century, the ‘sensibility-of-perception’ of that organ also – namely, the organ by means of which there chiefly proceeds for the presences of the three-brained beings what is called the ‘automatic-satiation-of-externals’ which is the basis for the possibility of natural self-perfecting – had reached such a…

  • B473

    B472 B474 [BTG XXX Art, p. 473] “Certain beings who were then enthused by this founded, in imitation of the followers of the said branch of painters, a similar society and the motto of their new movement was: ‘To-search-the-truth-in-the-shades-of-smells-obtained- between-the-moment-of-the-action-of-cold-at-freezing-and- the-moment-of-the-action-at-warm-decomposition.’ “Like the painters, they also then found between these said two definite smells about…

  • B474

    B473 B475 [BTG XXX Art, p. 474] “But what is most interesting in respect of this progressive deterioration of that most important part of their common presence is the sorry farce that results, namely, that those contemporary three-brained beings there who can still manage to distinguish the mentioned miserable fraction of the total number of…

  • B475

    B474 B476 [BTG XXX Art, p. 475] “Now hear in just which way the learned beings then in Babylon belonging to the group of painters indicated various useful information and fragments of the knowledge they had attained, in the lawful inexactitudes of the great cosmic law then called the Law of Sevenfoldness, by means of…

  • conscience

    To stop this undesirable sensation I might then still have had recourse to the aid of that maleficent property existing also in me, as in contemporary man, which has become inherent in all of us, and which enables us, without experiencing any remorse of conscience whatever, to put off anything we wish to do “till…

  • apparatus

    for the transformation of cosmic substances: beings-apparatuses, apparatuses-cosmoses, localizations or brains,Tetartocosmoses, three-brained beings, presences B144 B571 B763 B774 ff B780 B784 ff three perceptive apparatuses in the common presence of a man, acting as perceivers for all the seven planetary-gravity-center-vibrations B1217 of the Choons, Alla-attapan B832 ff of El Koona Nassa, Arostodesokh B1019 B1021 of…

  • spiritualized

    by being instinct B86 the active mentation in a being and the useful results of such active mentation are in reality actualized exclusively only with the equal-degree functionings of all his three localizations of the results spiritualized in his presence, called thinking-center, feeling-center and moving-motor-center B1172 in the name of the causes of my arising,…

  • particularities

    “The exterior forms of their planetary bodies are all made alike, and of course in respect of size and in their other subjective particularities, they are each coated, just as we are, in accordance with the reflection of heredity, with the conditions at the moment of conception and with the other factors that serve in…