Tag: Vibrações
B1189 B1191 [BTG XLVIII From the Author, p. 1190] The second of the four personalities, functioning in most cases independently of the first, consists of the sum of the results of the data deposited and fixed, which have been perceived by the common presence of every animal through its six organs called “receivers-of-the-varied-qualitied-vibrations,” which organs…
And nothing stuck, as it was quite recently made clear to me, not through any fault of mine, nor through the fault of my former respected and nonrespected teachers, but this human labor was spent in vain owing to one unexpected and quite exceptional event which occurred at the moment of my appearance on God’s…
I then had only the logical supposition that it was perhaps only because the room in which this sacred scene occurred, which was to have tremendous significance for the whole of my further life, was permeated through and through with the scent of a special incense brought from the monastery of “Old Athos” and very…
“By the way, you should know that this same Hydrogen of theirs is just one of those seven cosmic substances which in their general totality actualize specially for the given solar system what is called the ‘inner Ansapalnian-octave’ of cosmic substances, which independent octave, in its turn, is a one-seventh independent part of the fundamental…
That Greek language, the spirit and essence of which were transmitted to me by heredity, and the language now spoken by contemporary Greeks, are as much alike as, according to the expression of Mullah Nassr Eddin, “a nail is like a requiem”. 58 BTG I In the entirety of every man, irrespective of his heredity…
It must even be emphasized that although even before this event I already did everything not as others did, yet my manifestations were hardly thrust before the eyes of my fellow countrymen around me, but from the moment when the essence of this principle of living was assimilated in my nature, then on the one…
My dear, highly honored, strong-willed and of course very patient Sirs, and my much-esteemed, charming and impartial Ladies forgive me, I have omitted the most important and my in no wise hysterical Ladies! 24 BTG I This fact, by the way, can with attentive and impartial observation be very clearly established when one…
in the beginning, when nothing yet existed, there came to our Creator All-Maintainer the forced need to create our present existing Megalocosmos, i.e., our World B748 ff; see Trogoautoegocrat World-arising and World-existence B322 specialists in the work of World-creation and World-maintenance B82 World laws: laws of World-creation and World-maintenance B74 B86 B124 B127 B136 B148…
they themselves admit the existence of many ancient sages and also do not deny the great amount of most varied information which has come down to them concerning the many objective truths elucidated by these sages, which information certain of your favorites are, without any remorse of conscience, giving out as having been thought of…
separate independent localizations existing under the name of being-centers B103 the factors for the being-impulse conscience arise in the presences of the three-brained beings from the localization of the particles of the emanations-of-the-sorrow of our Omni-Loving and Long-Suffering-Endless-Creator; that is why the source of the manifestation of genuine conscience in three-centered beings is sometimes called…
“He said, ‘By means of this special appliance, there are first “sucked-in” separately from the atmosphere or from any intra- or surplanetary fomation, all the three independent parts of the Omnipresent-Active-Element-Okidanokh present in it, and only afterwards when in a certain way, these separate independent parts are artificially reblended in the Krhrrhihirhi into a single…
“And it is according to the second principle of being-existence that all one-brained and two-brained beings in general exist wherever they may arise… 845 BTG XVI “And the sense and aim of the existence of these beings, also, consist in this, that there are transmuted through them the cosmic substances required not for purposes of…
Now listen and try to justify, and not to disappoint, my expectations. This original personality of mine, already “smelled out” by certain definite individuals from both choirs of the Judgement Seat Above, whence Objective justice proceeds, and also here on Earth, by as yet a very limited number of people, is based, as I already…
SEE Trogoautoegocratic the fundamental common-cosmic Ansanbaluiazar, by which the Most Great cosmic Trogoautoegocrat is actualized, the true Savior from the law-conformable action of the merciless Heropass B785 from then on the system which maintained the existence of the Sun Absolute began to be called Trogoautoegocrat B753 then our cherubim gave names to the emanations and…
“‘Many hundreds of thousands of packets of powder are used here daily all over the country and the opium this powder ought to contain is, as you know, no cheap thing and if real opium were put into this powder, the opium alone would cost us pharmacists six or eight kopecks a packet, and we…
In trying first to understand the basic thought and real significance hidden in this strange verbal formulation, there must, in my opinion, first of all arise in the consciousness of every more or less sane-thinking man the supposition that, in the totality of ideas on which is based and from which must flow a sensible…
the solar system was then still being formed and was not yet blended completely with The-Harmony-of-Reciprocal-Maintenance-of-All-Cosmic-Concentrations B81 time does not issue from anything but blends always with everything B124 the Omnipresent-Okidanokh obtains its prime arising in space outside of the Most Holy Sun Absolute itself, from the blending of three independent forces B139; and B1138…
“And it is according to the second principle of being-existence that all one-brained and two-brained beings in general exist wherever they may arise… BTG XVI “And the sense and aim of the existence of these beings, also, consist in this, that there are transmuted through them the cosmic substances required not for purposes of a…
And so, just at the moment when our Kurd was overwhelmed by all the unusual sensations proceeding within him from this strange repast on the bosom of Nature, there came along the same road a fellow villager of his, one reputed by those who knew him to be very clever and experienced; and, seeing that…
“Moreover, you will soon clearly convince yourself about this, when on returning to our dear Karatas, I will show you, as I have already promised, and explain practically the significance of the tuning on that contemporary sound-producing instrument, the piano, which was taken by me among a number of other things from the surface of…