
The Relative Understanding of Time B121 ff

Time itself, no being can either understand by reason or sense by any outer or inner being-function; it cannot even be sensed by any graduation of instinct B123

the Ideally-Unique-SubjectivePhenomenon B124

only Time alone has no sense of objectivity because it is not the result of the fractioning of any definite cosmic phenomena B124

Objective Science has, for its examination of Time, a standard unit, what is called the sacred Ego-koolnatsnarnian-sensation which always appears in the Most Holy Cosmic Individuals dwelling on the Most Holy Sun Absolute whenever the vision of our Uni-Being Endlessness is directed into space and directly touches their presences B124

objective time-calculation B51 B87 B89 B133

Time-calculation on the planets:
Earth B121 ff.
Karatas B121
Mars B1158 B1152
Saturn B1152

Flow of Time :
how the being-sensation of what is called the process-of-the-flow-of-time in the presences of the three-brained beings of that planet has gradually changed B121
the chief particularity of the process of the flow of Time in the presence of cosmic arisings of various scales consists in this, that all of them perceive it in the same way and in the same sequence; let us take as an example the process of the flow of Time proceeding in any drop of the water in that decanter standing there on the table B125 ff.
though for separate individuals existing in any independent cosmic unit, their definition of the flow of Time is not objective in the general sense, yet, nevertheless for them themselves it acquires a sense of objectivity since the flow of Time is perceived by them according to the completeness of their own presence B126
the sensing of the flow of time is directly proportional to the quality and quantity of the flow of thoughts B1185
if it is still possible to save the beings of the Earth, then Time alone can do it — Ashiata Shiemash B1118
everything in its proper time B78
time of disintegration B947 ff
and B35 B66 B128 B437 B563 B642 ff B697 B820

SEE Heropass

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