
“And because the mentioned individual-initiatives issue from such different localizations during their wakingexistence, each of them, during the process of his daily existence is as it were, divided into two independent personalities. 2220 BTG XXVII

“In consequence, the functioning of the mentioned data for engendering in their presences this said Divine impulse conscience, gradually ceased long ago to participate in that consciousness of theirs by means of which their wakingexistence flows. 2227 BTG XXVII

“Well, then, my boy, when the data arose in the common presences of your favorites for engendering this ‘Unique-particular’ being-impulse egoism and when gradually evolving and giving rise to factors ensuing from it for other also particular but now secondary strange being-impulses, this said ‘Unique-property’ egoism usurped the place of the ‘Unique-All-Autocratic-Ruler’ in their general organization; then, not only every manifestation but even what is called the ‘desire-for-the-arising’ of such a Divine being-impulse became a hindrance to the actions of this ‘All-Autocratic-Ruler’. And in consequence of this, when eventually your favorites had already, by force of necessity, both consciously and unconsciously, always and in everything, prevented it partaking in the functioning of that consciousness of theirs through the control of which it had become proper for them to actualize their wakingexistence, the actions of those Divine data were gradually, as it were, removed from the functioning of their ordinary ‘consciousness’ and participated only in the functioning of their said subconsciousness. 2232 BTG XXVII

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