“The last seven bleedings of the ‘gravity-center–vibrations-of-the-white-ray’, then in Babylon just as now among the contemporary beings there, had the following names: (1) Red ( 2 ) Orange ( 3 ) Yellow ( 4 ) Green (5) Blue ( 6 ) Indigo (7) Violet. 2707 BTG XXX
Outras páginas do capítulo
- Most Great common-cosmic Iraniranumange
- Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat
- Most Great general-cosmic-Trogoautoegocrat
- Most Great Great All-embracing
- Most Great Greatness
- Most Great Labors
- Most Great Omnicosmic Trogoautoegocrat
- Most Holy Individuals
- Most Holy Prime Source
- Most Holy Sun Absolute