
B206 <=> B208 [BTG XX Beelzebub’s third flight, p. 207]

Chapter XX The Third Flight of Beelzebub to the Planet Earth


Após uma breve pausa, Belzebu continuou a falar da seguinte forma:

“Desta vez, permaneci em casa, isto é, no planeta Marte, por pouco tempo, apenas o suficiente para ver e conversar com os recém-chegados e dar algumas orientações de caráter tribal comum.

“Tendo resolvido esses assuntos, desci novamente ao seu planeta com a intenção de continuar a perseguir meu objetivo, ou seja, desarraigar esses estranhos seres tricêntricos de seu terrível costume de fazer, por assim dizer, o trabalho divino, destruindo a existência de seres de outros sistemas cerebrais.

“Nessa minha terceira descida ao planeta Terra, nossa nave Ocasião não desceu no mar Kolhidious, que agora é chamado de Mar Cáspio, mas no mar chamado naquela época de ‘Mar da Beneficência’.

“Decidimos desembarcar nesse mar porque, dessa vez, eu desejava ir à capital dos seres do segundo grupo do continente Ashhark, então chamada de Cidade Gob, que estava situada na costa sudeste desse mar.

Naquela época, a Cidade Gob já era uma grande cidade e era bem conhecida em todo o planeta por sua produção dos melhores “tecidos” e dos melhores “ornamentos preciosos”.

“A Cidade Gob estava situada em ambas as margens da foz de um grande rio chamado ‘Keria-chi’, que desaguava no Mar da Beneficência e que nascia nas alturas do leste deste país.

“Nesse Mar da Beneficência, em seu lado ocidental, fluía outro grande rio chamado ‘Naria-chi’.

“E era nos vales desses dois grandes rios que os seres do segundo grupo do continente Ashhark existiam principalmente.


AFTER a brief pause Beelzebub continued to speak further as follows:

“This time I remained at home, that is, on the planet Mars, only a short while, just long enough to see and talk with those who had newly arrived, and to give certain directions of a common tribal character.

“Having disposed of the said affairs, I descended again to your planet with the intention of continuing the pursuit of my aim, that is, the uprooting among these strange three-centered beings of their terrifying custom of doing as it were Divine work, by destroying the existence of beings of other brainsystems.

“On this third descent of mine to the planet Earth our ship Occasion did not alight on the sea Kolhidious, which is now called there Caspian Sea, but on the sea called at that period the ‘Sea of Beneficence.’

“We decided to alight on this sea, because I wished this time to go to the capital of the beings of the second group of the continent Ashhark, then named the City Gob, which was situated on the southeastern shore of that sea.

“At that time, the City Gob was already a large city, and was well known over the whole planet for its production of the best ‘fabrics’ and the best what are called ‘precious-ornaments.’

“The City Gob was situated on both banks of the mouth of a large river called the ‘Keria-chi’ which flowed into the Sea of Beneficence and which had its rise in the eastern heights of this country.

“Into this Sea of Beneficence, on its western side, another large river flowed called the ‘Naria-chi.’

“And it was in the valleys of these two large rivers that the beings of the second group of the continent Ashhark chiefly existed.

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