- daily being-existence
- Daivibrizkar
- Darthelhlustnian
- Darwin
- data
- datum
- day-of-mysteries
- day-of-painting
- day-of-the-theater
- daydreaming
- daydreaming
- death
- death
- deaths
- Decameron
- degree of self-individuality
- degree of the density of the vibrations
- degree of the vivifyingness of vibrations
- degree of vivifyingness of the variously sourced vibrations
- density of matter
- dervish
- descending octave
- devil
- die
- digestion
- dimension
- discipline
- displeasing-manifestations-of-others-towards-yourselves
- divine
- Divine
- divine
- Divine being-impulse
- Divine impulse conscience
- division
- Djamdjampal
- Djameechoonatra
- Djamtesternokhi
- Djartklom
- Djoolfapal
- do-not-do-what-must-not-be
- do-si
- do 48
- do 192
- do and si
- doing
- do nothing
- doubt in the existence of Divinity
- driver
- duties
- duty
- dying